Try to spread the word wherever possible.If they can't or don't want to, buy it for them! Give them a Wii points card or use that VC Gift option and say, "Happy early birthday!" or "Happy early Christmas" or whatever! It's not an expensive game, and every extra download helps!.Convince your Wii-owning friends and acquaintances to buy it!.Buy EarthBound on the Virtual Console, duh :P.

Help Make EB on the Virtual Console a Success! This game is the USA version at RomsMania exclusively. To that end, here's a bunch of stuff you can use/do to spread the word about EarthBound on the Virtual Console. Earthbound Rom is available to play for Super Nintendo console. series has done a LOT to help spread the word about Ness and EarthBound stuff, but we need to take an active role too. So we can't let that happen! The Smash Bros. If the sales of EB on VC don't do really well or don't spike, Nintendo will probably consider the EarthBound series a failure yet again, and all hope for official MOTHER 1 and MOTHER 3 releases will be gone forever. It's common knowledge that the first release on the Super Nintendo didn't do nearly as well as Nintendo had hoped, so this is a very rare second chance we're getting. You can buy Earthbound on the Wii U for 9.99 right now JEarthbound / game release / Nintendo / Virtual Console / Wii U / Wii U Virtual Console What just might be the most anticipated Virtual Console release that never happen on the Wii, has at long last arrived on the Wii U Virtual Console: Earthbound.
Nintendo is (or was supposedly planning on) using EarthBound on the Virtual Console as a gauge to see how popular the series is, and how well it can do outside of Japan after all these years. EarthBound is out now in Nintendo eShop on Wii U - get a taster of this classic RPG with our official trailer.More info:Facebook Wii U.