In each of these seasons, 10 times a week in total, different race icons appear on the map. In each two seasons for riding, so day and night. In practice, it looks like this: we have five days a week. WE RECOMMEND OTHER GAMES FROM THE CATEGORY: RACING No matter what we do, the final power of a car is still expressed by a simple factor that is the result of all our investments. However, the prices of reinforcements are so high that it is often better to simply buy a new car than to turn the crumbling scrap metal into a road demon for your own satisfaction. Cars are assigned specific classes, but it is also possible to promote a given car to a higher class after putting a lot of cash into it. Each day begins and ends in the workshop, where we can upgrade vehicles in a million ways. Cities with a structure so typical of many recent NFS Unbound Download MAC installments (a small built-up center and a mass of green areas intersected by highways) that you could still wonder where the character I announced is hidden in the campaign taking place here, as if under the dictation calendar.

Classically, the way to the goal leads through building a position among similarly crazy people who love illegal races on the streets of Lakeshore. Our task is to recover a valuable cabinet, pimped by the hero himself. At the beginning, we create a character and choose a car, which, as a result of certain circumstances, changes its owner a few moments later. The game’s own character is palpable, even if the campaign seemingly follows the patterns typical of the series. This is also where the story of the main character begins – the wizard allows us to choose one of several models, and then adjust, among others, hairstyle, hair color, and clothing of the protagonist. By the way, you can drive around Lakeshore, a city modeled on Chicago, and discover the first few collectibles that are stuck in various corners of the map. So the first few quarters of an hour you just have to „endure”. Why? Because the prologue itself does not show us much, it makes it impossible to tune the car, it does not even allow us to browse the cars and in no way explains how or when it will change.

However, when I launched Unbound for the first time … I had the impression that I would end up writing about the potential and the final rating within six points again. those with experience in the Burnout series, took care of Unbound. However, people from the Criterion studio, i.e. However, I am also aware that the NFS series was different later, and at best there were games that I can describe as „pretty okay”. After all, to this day I have a sentiment for both views of Underground. When I first heard that the series wanted to return to the topic of illegal racing, I was pleased. Download NFS Unbound MAC gave me a little rollercoaster of excitement and hope before I started playing seriously for reviews.